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Miles Ahead Sailing provides sailing courses from beginner to professional level. The course offer includes practical and shorebased courses. Discover our course offer at your level!
0 – 300 nm
Start your sailing adventure and get your first sailing licence!
Here you can find courses for complete beginners up to Dayskipper level. The Dayskipper Licence entitles you to charter a boat and undertake daytrips in familiar waters.

Competent Crew
Practical course
Pre experience: None
Duration: 1 week
The Competent Crew course is for beginners and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers. By the end of the course, you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day routines.

Day Skipper
Practical course
Pre experience: Basic sailing ability, navigation and theory knowledge.
Duration: 1 week
Make the transition from crew to skipper, developing the practical skills and confidence to take command of a small yacht. This course gives you the chance to take charge on short passages under instruction. You will concentrate on pilotage, boat handling, seamanship and navigation.

Day Skipper Theory
Theory course
Pre experience: None
Duration: approx. 40h
With the RYA Day Skipper Theory course you gain the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate safely in familiar waters by day and learn how to apply the collision regulations and recognise lights at night.

Marine Radio SRC
Theory course
Pre experience: None
Duration: 1 day (10 hours & exam)
The radio is an important part of your safety equipment on board and it is vital to understand the correct procedures. VHF/DSC (very high frequency/digital selective calling) Radio equipment is mandatory on almost all yachts of any flag state.
If you have a VHF radio onboard your boat, or carry a handheld VHF whilst out on the water, you, or at least one other person on board needs to hold an SRC marine radio licence or higher.
Get qualified with a one-day course and exam.
Consolidate your skipper skills for more challenging passages!
Here you can find courses up to Coastal skipper level where you are entitled to undertake coastal passages by day and night. For skippers who would like to get more self-confident in boat handling, harbour maneuvers and navigation.

Skipper Skills Training
Practical course
Duration: 1 week
Consolidate your skills and knowledge.
Get more self-confident in boat handling, harbour maneuvers, and navigation.

Coastal Skipper/ Yacht Master Offshore Theory
Online theory course
Duration: 50-60 hours + assessment
Ideal for candidates for the Coastal Skipper practical course & Yachmaster Offshore exam. Some revision of the Dayskipper shorebased course plus more advanced skills in offshore & coastal navigation by day & night, pilotage & meteorology.

Coastal Skipper
Practical course
Duration: 1 week
Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages under the guidance of the instructor. A course for those with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night. Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages under the guidance of the instructor.
1.000 nm+
Perfect your skipper skills in open water!
Here you can find courses for advanced sailors who want to experience longer passages in open water.

Miles and More
Practical course
Duration: 1 day – 2 weeks
Miles and More is a mile building course for advanced sailors who want to experience longer passages in open water and get more insight into offshore sailing. Also, you will get the chance for assisted skippering of qualifying legs for YM Offshore or Ocean.

Skipper Skills Perfection
Practical course
Duration: 1 week
Discuss and try out single handed sailing and mooring techniques, learn tips and tricks for various day to day routines, fine trim your sails, and deal with heavy weather tactics.

Yachtmaster Prep Week
Practical course
Duration: 1 week
An RYA/MCO Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence is the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence.

Yachtmaster Ocean Theory
Online theory course
Duration: 40h + 2h assessment
Free yourself of any limitations and learn how to navigate worldwide. A course in astro navigation, worldwide meteorology and passage planning, which also unravels the mysteries of the sextant.